
May He Be Your All In All

Friends, may He be your all in all.

He is the one true vine.

In John 15:5, Jesus says, “ Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing”.

Without Jesus, friend, we can do nothing.

To abide in Him means to seek Him daily and live according to His word.

He is the true vine, and we are to receive daily nourishment from that vine to grow spiritually.

When we crucify our flesh, we can walk in the Spirit, His holy Spirit, by staying connected to the vine.

But where can we seek His vine?

The word of God. His holy Bible.

Friend, when we prioritize our time with the Lord by reading His word, we fill up our souls and equip our minds with His power to take on our daily battles.

Jesus tells us we can only do all things and face all circumstances when we stay connected to God, but when we go astray, we solely rely on our weak flesh to fight our battles.

But we were not made to be apart from God and to do life without Him.

If your heart is feeling weary and distant from God, pray this today, friend-

Our Father, I pray to always be hungry for your word.

I pray to always have a deep desire to sit in your presence and dwell in your love, for you are the water that fills my thirst.

You are the one true vine I need to be connected to daily. Keep me close, Lord.

Friend, may God be your all in all every day.

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I am so excited to offer you free downloadable lock screens! I hope you will use them in two ways: first, as a regular reminder of His truth, and second, as a Scripture memorization tool.

hi, friend!

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